Thursday, March 5, 2015

Almost Homemade pickles

These pickles are so easy no one will know they aren't homemade . 


1 quart Kosher Dill Pickles
1/2 cup terragon vinegar ( optional you can use plain vinegar without the terragon 
2 3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoon of mixed pickling spices

Drain the pickles and slice them. Mix the pickling spices and sugar, vinegar and spices. Let the stand at room temperature until the sugar is dissolved stirring them occasionally . Put them in a container and refrigerate them for 2 weeks . My mother always has these in her refrigerator and everyone thinks they are homemade . 

Source : 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sick of the ice and snow

And this is what i do to get rid of the cabin fever . I found the mirror at Tuesday Morning and  The other things i already had . A good find always seems to strengthen my soul. 

Still havent gotten around to fixing that   floor.......